Runner's Knee

The Runner’s knee is an overload and inflammation in the long tendon which runs along the outside of the thigh from the pelvis and attaches just below the knee. It mainly affects runners, and is common among both joggers and top-level sportsmen and women.


  • Pain during running, particularly after a couple of kilometres (other activities such as ball games do not cause these symptoms as frequently)
  • Tenderness on the outside of the leg, a few centimetres above the knee

Possible Causes

  • Rapid increase in the amount of exercise done
  • Stiff, tense muscles in the thighs and hips
  • Poor footwear
  • Lopsided running on sloping ground, e.g. the edge of a road


  • Correct anything which may trigger the symptoms (both external and internal factors)
  • Alternative training such as cycling, wet-vest running in a pool
  • Gradual increase in running training
  • Stretching of tense muscles
  • Choosing the right shoes

* Notice: In case of suffering from any of these symptoms, please consult a doctor for advice and further treatment possibilities!

Achilles Tendon Disorders - Achillodynia

Many athletes are affected by Achilles tendon inflammation - not just those who run or cycle. You can read here what the symptoms of Achilles tendon disease are, what helps and which Rehband products can give you support.


Knee Sleeve Guide

You want to buy a Rehband knee sleeve but are unsure what size you need? Or are you wondering what the differences are between our knee sleeves? You can find all the information in our knee sleeve guide.